Ideas for Future Posts
Opportunistic Maintenance
Rational Value vs. Emotional Value
Create Wealth Rather Than Transferring It
Voluntary vs. Involuntary -- as in muscles -- WIP
Classification of Communication
Do Little Things That Become Big Things Rather Than Local Optimizations
When is it valuable to start or continue working without a "definition of done"? And what is the impact of that approach on ability to track progress?
I'm a customer of the startup industry.
Venture Hacks Happy Meal
Venture Hacks Bible
Steve Blank's Four Steps to the Epiphany
Do More Faster
Don't suck at email
Don't leave my inbox when I read new mail.
Do make a to do list.
Do prioritize the to do list after reading new mail.
Handle each new message once.
Only use two programs when I read new email: email program for reading and text editor for making a list.
Do check email periodically.
Don't check email continually.
Don't check email when I return to my desk from other activities. Start on my top priority instead.
Don't check email after completing my top priority. Stand up and walk away from my desk for a few minutes.
All of the above applies to alternative inboxes -- e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Google Reader, Google Voice.
Stages of Internet Development
Federated Open Subsystems, Lower Abstraction
Siloed Closed Subsystems, Higher Abstraction
Identity -- Facebook, Twitter, Google
Personal and Professional Relationships -- "follow", "friend", "connect"
File, folder sharing -- hierarchical filesystem
Interest -- Like, +1
Bookmarking -- Delicious
Web Search -- Google, Bing
Personal Search -- Greplin
Photo, video sharing
Activity logging, lifestream logging -- e.g. read a book, watched a movie, arrived at a place (checked in)
TBD: Federated Open Subsystems, Higher Abstraction
Web services powered by 100% open stacks.
Install services via browser. Where one-step "install / run my own copy" is the level of abstraction.
Browser side apps that:
Upgrade themselves transparently
Launch their UIs offline
Save to local cache
Write back from local cache to service backing store
Create then Classify
E.g., Write some blog posts before I categorize any.
Possible categories:
Practice of Software Development
Consumer Product Reviews
Products I Want
Implicit Automated Classification
Experimenting with Personal Outsourcing
Design of This Website
view in 320x480 first
just HTML first
Future of This Website
Avoid repeating parts of each page on every page. Consider generating complete pages from their parts at publication time. Consider reusing an existing build tool -- make, Ant; preprocessor -- cpp, and/or existing templating engine -- Mako. Consider searching for existing integrated tools designed for generating static websites.
Repost good posts from my previous blogs.
RSS and/or Atom feed
filtered streams of blog posts
comments and/or private feedback
redundant storage on Rackspace Cloud Files and/or OpenStack.
migrate earlier blog posts from other services here
authentication, authorization of privileged content
chat presence
location aggregation
compose posts in a browser
compose offline
navigate and use the website offline
embed search of pages that link to each page -- BackType, UberVu, Disqus, Google link search
Copyright © 2012-2014, Matt McClure